Tag Archives: 1947

Arnold & Grada 1931


Arnold Gerard is the 11th child born in June 3rd of 1904 of Theodor Johann Kaemingk  and Johanna Hendrika Pennings

Arnold & Grada got married on april 10th 1931





Marriage Arnold & Grada 1931
Marriage Arnold & Grada 1931

On this photo you see Grandpa Theodor Johann Kaemingk
(with the white beard) and his second wife, Alieda Steenbreke
and all of Arnolds & Gradas siblings & partners. 

11 kids of arnold voor emigratie canada

Due to some mis-spelling their childrens last name turned into Kaemingh

Arnold & Grada emigrated from The Netherlands to Canada in 1947 with their 11 children,  Hannie, Henk, Theo, Truus, Ali, Dinie, Ada, Yoke, Anneke, Arnold and little Helen of 2 months old, their 12th child Janette (Rita) was born in Canada in 1950


If anyone want to share more info about Arnold, please let me know at Kaemingk.Familytree@gmail.com
Thank you Linda Kaemingk for sharing this photos last reunion with Donna who sent them to me, to check who is who,  more of this blogs are about to come as soon as i have info / recognized family members :)